Sunshine coast without the sunshine

 11-14 December: Palmwoods

With Fraser Island closed due to bushfires our plans for the next week were yet again revised (see- best not to make plans). Instead we enjoyed another lovely stay at The Dirt Rd Home with Team Mason- this time their gorgeous home is almost finished! The highlight for the boys was archery, for me a lovely lunch in Montville with Al. 

We arrived in Palmwoods just in time before the deluge started- endless rain, wind, cold. The region received 300ml in 27 hours! Noah's bed copped it the worst, and he ended up with everything soaking wet. 

Despite the weather the kids got on like a house on fire, Huw even had a sleepover in Eden's room. 💙 

From Palmwoods it was on to Lennox Head where we had been looking forward to some surfing. The rain was relentless & the surf brown and too dangerous to go in . The roads were flooded and dangerous too. 

Our next & final stop was supposed to be Pebbly Beach, in Yuraugir National Park, close to Coffs Harbour. Unfortunately with current weather conditions the camping area was closed (the camp is reached via a tidal crossing).

A family vote was taken- head in-land or home. I lost the vote, and home we went. 

Tim drove through horrendous conditions for 8 hours to get us home safely. Tired, emotional (some of us sad, some of us excited, some of us relieved) we embraced the now enormous space of our home!

Our trip has come to an abrupt end & I'm still coming to terms with this. Upon reflection i suppose its rather fitting, considering this adventure started all of a sudden, with no real plans and any plans we made were changed along the way! 


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